Chorus Team
“Music expresses that which cannot be said
and on which it is impossible to be silent.” // Victor Hugo
Our members come from all over the Lake Norman area. We welcome all who have a joy for song. Auditions are never required, we only wish to provide a group who appreciates music, community, and friendship.

Our Story
The Community Singers of Lake Norman was founded in 2017 with a vision: to promote quality choral singing, to foster a public appreciation for the choral arts, and to inspire and serve the communities of Lake Norman.
We have grown into a chorus of 50+ members and currently support the community by singing at local and patriotic events (i.e. Memorial Day), fundraising events (Alzheimer’s and Watchmen of the Streets), nursing homes/hospices, hospitals, schools, and churches. We also provide annual music scholarships for young area musicians to keep music in their lives.
Each spring we hold a stage production not to be missed. And every December we perform a main concert and additional smaller events celebrating the season.
Chorus Leaders
Executive Team
Becky Amon and Martha Venter - Hospitality/Social
Kitty Soesbee - Scholarship for Musical Advancement
Judy Kristan - Finance
Lisa Fisher - Production
Marie Heiss - Library
Rebekah Poole - Marketing/Community Involvement
Board Members
President – Deb Todd         
Vice President – Elena Davidson
Treasurer – Linda Martinson
Secretary – Amy Jacobus
Member-at-Large – Barb Lynch